Carles Codina Lark Books - CONTENTS - 1. Introduction 2. Metallurgythe properties of metalsalloysmeltingannealing and picklingthe care and recovery of metal 3. Basic Techniquespreparing basic shapesfilling and sandingpiercingsoldringother types of joinsmaking domes and cylindersforginghinges and hinge structuresclosuresjump rings 4. Surfacesacid etchingcombining metalsgranulationcreating texturesmetal finishespatination 5. Related Techniqueschasing and repousseurushi(Japanese Lacquer)enamelingstone settingwax model carving and lost wax casting 6. Step by Steprepousse pendantbroocharticulated bracelet with claspgold pendant with chainmultiple loop-loop chainhollow-construction ringcrocheted chain 7. Glossary 8. Index 9. Bibliography and Acknowledgments