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by Anshaus 2010. 9. 27.

제가 주로 사용하는 파티네이션 약품 비율입니다. 참고하세요.



1. Greenish-blue patina(stipple) on black and brown ground Matt


             Ammonium Carbonate -- 120gm

             Ammonium Chloride    --  40gm

             Sodium chloride         --  40gm 

             Water                     --    1 litre


             Sawdust techique (20~30 hours)



2. Orange/ reddish-brown mottle semi-matt


             Copper nitrate         -- 200gm

             Water                    --    1 litre


             Sawdust technique (2,3 days)



3. Black and buff / light brown stipple semi-gloss


             Ammonium Chloride      --  16gm

             Sodium Chloride          --  16gm

             Ammonia(880 solution)  --  30㎤

             Water                       --   1 litre


            Sawdust technique (24 hours)



4. Dark brown / black(variegated) tinged with bluish patina

          Matt  / Semi-matt


             Ammonium Carbonate -- 100gm

             Ammonium Chloride    --  150gm

             Water                     --    1 litre


            Cotton-wool technique (20~30 hours)


5. Dark brown mottle(some blue-green patina) Semi-matt


             Ammonium Carbonate -- 120gm

             Ammonium Chloride    --  40gm

             Sodium chloride         --  40gm 

             Water                     --    1 litre


             Cotton-wool technique (20~30 hours)


참고문헌 : Hughes, Richard & Rowe, Michael, The Colouring, Bronzing and Patination of Metal, London : Thames and Hudson limited, 1991
